Dr. Daniel Baird
Faculty Advisor

Professor Baird has a PhD in Comparative Literature and a background in editing creative and academic writing. He has published creative nonfiction, short stories, and poetry.

"What I love about Folio is that students see the result of the hard work they have put in through the semester. Soliciting, reviewing, and editing submissions, designing and marketing the literary magazine, and learning about publishing are all part of the course. Folio is a great showcase for the creativity of the students, staff, and faculty at Salt Lake Community College."

Dakota Alexander

As an English major, writing is my passion and the key to my future. The art of bringing words together in ways that create entirely new worlds, or create meaning out of random assortments of the same twenty-six letters has always captured my attention. Hopefully one day I can capture others' attention with words of my own. Working on Folio has shown me the wonders of editing and design, which are arguably much more difficult than writing could ever be. I appreciate the opportunity to get to create something great that is the sum of so many people's hard work. 


Finnegan McDonough (he/him)

Creative writing is an incredibly personal pursuit, as is any form of art. I love writing poetry and short stories, ranging from gruesome horror pieces, to vampire love-making. But at the end of the day, I do it all for one thing: to be a better game keeper for my D&D group.

I've found literary magazine classes to be a great resource and safe space. The diversity in art, writing, and students we interact with joyfully helps me broaden my view of the world and my eye for creativity. 

Saturn Quinn (they/them)

I've been writing since the moment I figured out if I didn't like what I was reading, I could just write what I wanted to read instead, and as it stands now, it will continue to be a lifelong pursuit as I continue to strive for my childhood dream of becoming an accomplished novelist. That being said, it isn't the only creative pursuit I'm engaged in. I'm a champion of the fine arts and will absolutely dig my fingers into any chance to create. Whether it be in word medium or in visual medium, I love it all.

Folio has given me to the chance to experience the culture and variety of the student body in an intrapersonal way, allowing me to see into the hearts and minds of others and delve into my own mind in just the same way. It's been an enlightening experience. 

Benjamin Eisenberg (He/They)

Ever since I can remember I have been making my own stories. I've always loved writing, both fiction and nonfiction. I primarily write horror and science fiction, but I also love doing media analysis and historical or political writings. I also dabble in poetry and ttrpgs like Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder. 

I have found this class to be incredibly enlightening. It really helped me understand publication, which will be helpful in the future. Folio has also helped me appreciate art forms I have struggled with, such as poetry.


Miriam Nicholson
Literary Editor

One of the things that I love about writing is how it brings people together. That is one of the things that I love about Folio; it brought us all here together. I have always wanted to be a writer and am a current student of SLCC working towards my degree in Writing Studies. What I long to be able to accomplish for my writing long term is to come together as a people. There are many factors in the world today that pull us apart; it is my hope to be able to bring even a few of us back together.


Fall 2023 Students

Maddi Flynn

As a Graphic Design major, I constantly seek opportunities to utilize my artistic skills. Joining Folio allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the design, editing, and publishing process involved in creating SLCC's award-winning magazine. It's a pleasure to work alongside my classmates and the rest of the Folio team and to have the chance to contribute my own ideas. If you are majoring in graphic design, I highly recommend taking this course.


Spring 2023 Students

Sienna Stern

Writing has always been the cornerstone of my academic and creative passions. Although I mostly stick to essay writing, I also dabble in writing fiction. Most of my inspiration for writing stems from my experience as an Indigenous person who struggles to navigate the fine line between modernity and tradition. In addition to writing, I also enjoy painting landscapes and taking long walks around the city looking at historical buildings (I have an undying affinity for all things old and crumbling). 

Participating in the creation of Folio has been a true labor of love that has allowed me to creatively collaborate in a group setting. In addition, I’ve been able to hone in on my editing and publication skills that I intend to utilize in my professional career. Above all, being in a space with talented and creative people has been one of the most enjoyable experiences that I’ve been a part of during my time at SLCC. 

Georgia Peterson (she/her)

As a lifelong writer, I knew I wanted to participate in Folio before my time at SLCC ended. So, in my last semester before graduation, I'm so happy to have been a part of the production of "Lucidity". I hope to use my newfound (beginner) publishing knowledge to my advantage as I go out to submit my own writing for publication. Beyond writing, I express creativity through tattooing, collaging, and scouring the internet for vintage furniture. 


Olga Gao
Design Editor

As a passionate graphic designer, I’ve always interested in create cool contents for my audiences. The chance here to join the Folio team makes me feel more freely to create something that can make more people dive into design area.

Ashley Marlin

As a writer, I’m always searching for inspiration. I look for Art so captivating, whether it’s written on a page, performed, or painted, it consumes every inch of my brain, causing an overwhelming rise of emotion. I search for this feeling whether it’s in my own work or in yours. Working as a Folio editor has given me the opportunity to do exactly this. I explore all forms of art, noting each piece’s individual expression. A view into the artist’s world, and their mind. I have been so lucky this year to work on the Fall Issue 2023: Renaissance and feel this emotion throughout the authors and artists. Thank you.  


Summer Marriott

As a life-long bibliophile, I have loved anything and everything to do with books since childhood. Folio gave me a wonderful opportunity to explore my passions and get experience working with other students' work, while also exploring my creative side. I specifically love to create handmade books and to work with independent authors to design their work digitally for publishing. If I am not creating books, then I am most definitely reading one of them! 

"There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all." -Oscar Wilde in The Picture of Dorian Gray

Samantha Stubbs

My creative endeavors include fashion sewing, painting, and writing. I have always been the crafty-type. I love to read, which of course has inspired my book collection. I treasure all types of books: from mass paperbacks to expensive special editions. 

The curation of written words is beautiful to me, no matter how simple or elaborate they may be.

Folio allows creators to be seen and heard by others. It has been a great experience to recognize so many creators in our community. This course has offered an amazing perspective on the work that goes into creating books. Folio is also a great opportunity to explore interest in publication.


Former staff and students


Carly Gooch

Literary Editor

“I enjoy taking in the world around me and putting those complex experiences and emotions into words. Art and creation allows for growth, ensuring that each day is different than the last.” This is her last semester as a Folio Editor. We wish her the very best in her future endeavors. May you have the best adventures—make sure to share your bold stories with the world!


Jana Harris

Design Staff

“I can improve what I love doing, which is to write.”


Melissa Johnson

I have always had an enormous amount of love of stories across a wide variety of genres. If you have seen my movie wall at my house, you would know this to be true. I believe they can help us share experiences, emotions, or learn of many life's difficulties. I aspire one day to write creative fiction. but I have much to learn until then. until then, you will find me listening to modern alternative music while pondering in a reverie daydream about my next fictional short story. 

What I like about folio, is that it is a way that we can creatively connect to each other as students and as members of a common society. we as students here at SLCC have the wonderful opportunity to share our uniquely cultural outlook and expression on perceiving art or literature. I am excited to see what this semester has in store for me, learning from my fellow students. Most of all, I'm happy to enrich my education about the world of literary editing from a college level perspective. 


Nicole Flaherty (N.F. Kimball)

Design Staff

“Poetry is the art of evolving through the parts of yourself that created fear and into the wholeness of yourself that ignites passion for who you are.”


Cass Potter

Literary Staff

“Being a Creative comes in many forms and, for me, that form is language. Writing is an outlet, like all art, and has created a channel through which I can express myself, educate about and address taboo topics, display my activism, and guide my readers through my story in a beautiful and powerful way.”

Samuel Wilson (he/him)
Design Editor

As a lifelong creator, I understand the struggle to get one's name and work into the public eye and the need to share your creations with others - that's the main reason I was interested in joining Folio. Everyone's voice deserves to be heard, and having access to an environment where your creations can be shared with like-minded individuals is important to all artists, so I believe this magazine is a wonderful tool for doing just that. That ability to help other artists make their voices known is my favorite part about working on Folio.

KaylieAnn Brown

As a lover of fantasy and animals, KaylieAnn spends most of her days creating stories with her service dog Valo. She is crafty, and enjoys making things with her own two hands. Rock and punk music are constantly playing when she writes her stories. KaylieAnn also hopes to start a podcast about living life as a Demisexual girl.

“I remember my high school lit mag as fun, and I decided I wanted to join Folio. While it is more work so far, it is more rewarding to see a whole website dedicated to students writing. I have also seen tons of works from other students, and they all inspire me to write about topics I wouldn’t normally write about. It’s education and enjoyable at the same time!”


Amie Schaeffer

Literary Editor

Folio allows me to tap into my creative self as well as well as collaborate creatively with the staff. I see Folio as an artistic representation of the diverse student body we have at Salt Lake Community College. Being on staff gives the opportunity to help curate this unique collection and that has been a huge


Sarah Kennedy

Design Editor

“I love Folio because I love the passion and the creation that students put into their work.”


Henry Knudson

Literary Staff

“Writing is great because it gets its value by [writers] sitting down and being vulnerable on paper. Folio is a collection of those personal snapshots we collectively shared with each other.”


Allison Hutto

Web Editor

“What I love about Folio: Creative work can often be solitary, this year more so than ever. Through Folio, I have had the opportunity to enjoy the work of other artists and writers, analyze and discuss work that I am passionate about, and receive feedback on my own work. I have loved being able to collaborate with other creative people and together create something that is important to all of us.”

Jorge Pena Lucero

Non-fiction for breakfast, fantasy for lunch, and the macabre best served at dinner— or perhaps as a midnight snack. Whether it’s books, movies, music, or video games, Ascari likes to treat his mind to things that transcend reality.

As a content writer in the marketing industry, I write, edit, and read some pretty bland stuff 40 hours a week. Folio allows me to take my skills and use them in more creative and exciting ways.


Isabella Prada

Isabella is an English major with creative writing emphasis and she aspires to become a published author very soon. She spends most of her free time reading or writing poetry and short stories. Also loves fantasy books, literary fiction novels, romance, and creative nonfiction work. 

“As a person who enjoys spending all their free time reading and writing, Folio has been an amazing place for me to explore art in all its shapes and forms. I love reading all the work students and staff have published, the passion and artistry of everyone it’s exceptional. I also love all the diverse voices Folio has published, it makes a very inviting and comfortable place for unique stories. The collaborative nature of the magazine it’s something I haven’t experienced before and it will stay with me for a while.”


Associate Prof. Kati Lewis

Former Faculty Advisor

Kati Lewis is an associate professor of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC). She teaches creative writing, monsters in popular U.S. literature, critical theory, composition, and queer studies. She's a writer who needs to make more time for writing, more time for being in love, more time for running, and more time for things outside of being a professor. Kati is a marathoner and mother. Her work explores themes of silence and voice. Most of her essays and short stories are fragmented narratives. Fragmentation allows her to experiment with point of view, time, and memory as witness, censor, and survivor.


Risa Green

Hey everyone, nice to meet ya! I’m Risa!

I’m an aspiring animator and storyteller. One day I want to be able to create stories that inspire and help others; I’ve already have a few ideas I’m working on however it’ll be a while before I feel comfortable sharing them. So I’ve got awhile before I hit that goal. In the meantime, I follow other artistic pursuits to motivate myself to be more creative.

Folio has given me the opportunity to do just that and has allowed me to see the creativity of the many artistic minds found here at SLCC. It’s been such a fun experience that I highly recommend it.