Sleepless Night With No Second Chance
J.A. Harris

         He stood in the corner of the edge of the stairway.
A gray shadow slipping into the night.
His vision was blurry, unsure of what approached him.
It was voiceless, like a ghost creeping through the night.
The figure walked closer, and he swore it was faceless.
He grew pale.
Was a zombie approaching me?
Should I run and hide or fight?
A woman approached slowly, but it was very unnatural.
She didn’t move like any woman he had ever seen move.
In fact, she carried her weight as if she were possessed,
but she ended up falling, as if she was carrying a heavy burden upon her shoulders.


He arrived too late,
 lost everything he loved.
And it felt like his fault.
Voiceless, faceless, pale, gray shadow, night, fall, woman, vision, edge, burden...
Isolation and death.